Legal information

You are currently connected to the MEDIASTONE PARTNERS site (the "Site"), which is the exclusive property of :

  • MEDIASTONE PARTNERS - Limited company with a capital of 840 000 €.
  • Head office : 5-7 rue de Monttessuy 75007 Paris
  • Mail : 
  • Tel: 01 86 65 29 84
  • Registered with the R.C.S. of Paris under the SIREN number: B 349 140 962
  • Individual VAT identification number : FR 20 349 140 962
  • Director of publication: Dimitri Coumaros 
  • Website host: SIMPLEBO
  • Owner of the company: on 20/10/2022, MEDIASTONE PARTNERS is held by NATIXIS COFICINE up to 99.99
  • Reservation of the domain name: the Site is a domain deposited by MEDIASTONE PARTNERS (SIREN: B 349 140 962) on 27/01/2022 at CSC 
  • Photographs : Yves Samuel - YS CORPORATE
  • Site Designer: SIMPLEBO
  • Copyright photos : YS Corporate

Terms and conditions of use of the Site

1. Introduction

The purpose of the site is to provide information on MEDIASTONE PARTNERS. Navigation on this site is subject to the regulations in force and to the present conditions of use.


By using the Site, you are deemed to accept the Terms and Conditions of Use. 

This Site, its content (the "Content") and the relationship between MEDIASTONE PARTNERS and any person accessing this Site are governed by and interpreted in accordance with applicable law. 

MEDIASTONE PARTNERS may at any time modify the present General Conditions of Use. The modified version of the General Conditions of Use will come into force as soon as it is put online.

2. Information available on the Site

No information appearing on this Site may be considered as an offer of services or products, in particular banking or insurance products, from MEDIASTONE PARTNERS, nor as an offer or the solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities or any other investment product. 

The information that appears on this Site is given for information purposes only and constitutes a presentation of the products, services, studies and analyses designed and carried out by MEDIASTONE PARTNERS. It is up to any interested person to check the information made available and to make appropriate use of it. MEDIASTONE PARTNERS declines all responsibility for the use that will be made of the information provided on the Site. Any person wishing to obtain one of the services or products presented here is requested to contact the service concerned in order to find out about the availability of the service or product in question as well as the contractual conditions and rates applicable to it.

Access to the products and services described on this Site may be subject to restrictions with respect to certain persons or in certain countries. None of the products or services presented here will be provided by MEDIASTONE PARTNERS to a person if the law of his or her country of origin, or of any other country that concerns him or her, prohibits it. The user is requested to ensure that he/she is legally authorized to connect to this Site in the country from which the connection is established.

MEDIASTONE PARTNERS makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and updating of the information published on its Site, and reserves the right to correct the content at any time and without notice.

However, it cannot guarantee the completeness or the absence of modification by a third party (virus, intrusion). Moreover, it declines all responsibility in case of error or omission in this information.

The Site is provided to you on the basis of a "state of the art" service and is accessible according to its availability, MEDIASTONE PARTNERS not being responsible for any transmission difficulty or any network disruption.

MEDIASTONE PARTNERS does not provide any express or implied guarantee, including but not limited to, that the Website will meet your expectations, now or in the future, nor does it guarantee that it will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or free of errors, nor that the results that may be obtained by using the Website will be accurate and reliable, now or in the future.

MEDIASTONE PARTNERS in no way guarantees the quality and/or legality of Content not created by MEDIASTONE PARTNERS, and shall not be held responsible for any disputes, actions or recourse by third parties claiming, in particular and without limitation, private rights over said Content and/or its use.

No advice or information, oral and/or written and/or video, obtained by you while using the Website shall create any warranty or liability not expressly provided for.

Any deliberate misuse of any element of the Site (including, without limitation, piracy, introduction of viruses, disruption, excessive use or use contrary to applicable law) is expressly prohibited.

3. Protection of personal data

To consult the personal data policy of MEDIASTONE PARTNERS, click here. [ADD LINK]

4. Cookies

When browsing the MEDIASTONE PARTNERS site (the "Site"), cookies and similar technologies are used and may be deposited or read on your terminal (computer, mobile tablet, etc.), subject to the choices that you have previously expressed concerning Cookies and that you may modify at any time

4.1. Definitions

What is a Cookie ? A "Cookie" is a small text file saved on your terminal when you visit the Site. It is then sent back to our Site at each of your subsequent visits or to another Site that recognizes this cookie. The purpose of a cookie is to collect information about your browsing on the Sites, to send you personalized services, but it cannot be used to retrieve data from your disk, install a virus, or obtain your personal information. Thus, when you visit the Site to search for, read or download information, certain information about you may be collected, such as the name of the domain and host computer from which you are browsing the Internet, the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer you are using, the date and time of your browsing and the URLs from which you linked to the Site.

Other similar technologies may also be used. The term "cookies" should be understood in the broadest sense as covering all cookies and other tracers deposited and/or read, for example, when consulting a Website or installing or using software or a mobile application.

4.2. Different possible transmitters

MEDIASTONE PARTNERS cookies ("first party" cookies): These are cookies placed by MEDIASTONE PARTNERS on your terminal to meet the needs of navigation and optimization on the Site.
Third party" cookies: These are cookies deposited by third party companies, such as service providers or partners. For example:
1. A web page may contain components stored on servers of other domains (images or other integrated content: YouTube videos, Flickr slideshows...). These Sites may deposit their own Cookies when retrieving these external components during navigation.
2. A website may also use a third-party advertising network to serve ads. No advertising service is used by the Site.
3. Social networks may implement cookies useful for sharing content or for compiling access statistics when you click on "share buttons". 

4.3. Different types of cookies used on the Site

Different types of cookies are used on the site for different purposes.
Cookies that are strictly necessary or that facilitate online communication: These are cookies that are useful for the functioning of the Site and are deposited by MEDIASTONE PARTNERS. They allow you to use the main features of the Site (for example, session cookies or language management cookies). They record information relating to navigation on the Site from the computer on which the Cookie is stored and are not kept for more than one month.


These "Cookies" are the following:

Cookie name



Technical cookie

4.4 Managing Cookies

You can personalize the Site's cookies at any time: "Cookie management".

You will also find on the CNIL website information on how to control cookies via your browser settings: https: //

5. Intellectual Property

This Site constitutes a work protected in France by the Intellectual Property Code and, abroad, by the international conventions in force on copyright. The reproduction of all or part of this Site, by any means whatsoever, is formally prohibited, unless expressly authorized by the director of the publication.

The brands mentioned on this Site are registered by MEDIASTONE PARTNERS which is the owner or holds all rights to this effect from their holders. Any reproduction or imitation, in whole or in part, of the trademarks and/or logos is prohibited without the prior agreement of MEDIASTONE PARTNERS or their owners, in accordance with Articles L 713-2 and L 713-3 of the Intellectual Property Code. The same applies to the databases appearing on the Site, the content of which is protected in accordance with articles L 341-1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. The violation of this right constitutes an infringement and is liable to legal proceedings, both civil and criminal. 

6. Hyperlinks and external sources.

MEDIASTONE PARTNERS provides links to other sites and external sources and cannot be held responsible for the content, veracity, topicality, quality, completeness, relevance, illegality, advertising, products, services or any other material available on or from these sites or external sources.

In addition, you acknowledge that MEDIASTONE PARTNERS cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss, proven or alleged, consecutive or in relation with the use or with the fact of having trusted, notably and not restrictively, the Content, goods or services available on these external sites or sources.

MEDIASTONE PARTNERS shall not be held responsible for any hypertext links that may be set up within the framework of the Site to other sites present on the Internet network.

In addition, you may not set up a hyperlink to this Site without the express prior authorization of MEDIASTONE PARTNERS.

7. Virus

In general, it is the user's responsibility to take the necessary precautions to protect themselves against the risks associated with viruses and malicious software that may be present on the Internet networks and the sites consulted.

Under no circumstances may MEDIASTONE PARTNERS be held responsible for direct or indirect damage resulting from the consultation and use of the Site or other sites linked to it.